Customer Testimonials

Jenny K.

"Super fast response to my emails and friendly service. Would do business again in a heartbeat."


Alfonso M.

"I brought them 10 pounds of cans but they treated me as if I brought them 1000 pounds."


Sarah L.

"I sent JB Metals my gold necklace and they paid for shipping. It took them one day to determine the value and give me an estimate. Once I agreed the check was in the mail."


Nick D.

"I used JB on a demolition sight and they brought the right equipment. Drivers were on time as well as payments. Look forward to using them again."


Phil S.

"I sent them a picture of my copper gutters and they were quick to respond with a price and even an estimated weight. I brought them in the next day as their price was very competitive."


Paul B.

"We have a large stamping facility and have been dealing with JB for over 30 years. There has never been an issue with payments or service. We have developed a wonderful relationship."


Nicole B.

"I asked JB Metals to test some precious metals I had for content and they used their Niton Analyzer to give me a free composition breakdown. A few months later the price of gold went up and I knew exactly what I was going to get for it so I decided to sell to JB. Great experience."


John H.

"I brought JB some of my old appliances and they helped me remove them from the truck and weighed them on a forklift scale. The whole process was quick. Nice people."


Copyright JayBen Scrap Metals. All Rights Reserved. JayBen Scrap Metals 2910 W Carroll Ave, Chicago, IL 60612 Phone: (773) 533-4200